
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Movie Review: Charlie Wilson's War

Movie Name: Charlie Wilson's War
Actors:Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Philip Seymour Hoffman
Director: Mike Nichols

This must be the first movie made on this subject. The beginning of the movie says that it is based on true story. It is confirmed when the credits at the end of movie finish. Last few lines of those credits give special thanks to Charlie Wilson and family, Gust Avrakotos and family and Joanne Herring and family.

The movie is primarily based on the USSR attack on Afghanistan. But the view shown here is the American one. Its about an american congressman Charlie Wilson (Tom Hanks) who is somehow persuaded by Joanne Herring (Julia Roberts) to ask the Congress for funding to give modern weaponary to the Afghanistan Mujahiddin.

The mood of the movie changes from time to time. It opens with a playboy congressman, then shows us scenes where we feel very sad for Afghan children with broken arms and saying stories about it and it moves to showing how USSR retreats and Afghans celebrate finally showing a couple of dialogues wherein the characters talk about problems which may arise in "future" (read 9/11).

Two of the great actors (Tom Hanks & Julia Roberts) have once again proved that they are one of the best in business.

At the end of it, the movie very brilliantly achieves to show something which most of the world is unaware of.

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