
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Movie Reviews: Rambo IV

Movie Name: Rambo
Actors: Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz, Matthew Marsden, Graham McTavish, Rey Gallegos, Jake LaBotz, Tim Kang, Ken Howard.
Director: Sylvester Stallone

This might be Rambo "IV" but for me this was the first Rambo movie I saw. I didnt really know that this movie was in theatres. But a friend of mine (A Rambo fan) forced me to join him. I went with him hoping that the movie would turn out entertaining.

The movie started with a warning, something like "The political situation of Burma depicted in this movie is fictional and is in no way related the the actual situation". This gave me a feeling that this isnt just another action movie.

I was right! as soon as the movie starts you see a evil commander ordering his men to kill innocent, helpless, poor and unarmed villagers. Even worse is the way it is shown. Heads getting chopped off, half the leg getting cut off, hands getting cut, blood flying in the air, etc... You feel sorry for those people. At one point it made me and my friend think, that what would have happened to us or rather what would have we done if we were somewhere in the middle of a civil war.

In a nutshell, this movie has no storyline, it really doesnt give out any important message which is expected from movies which show this kind of massacres and stuff (or may be the movie has failed to put forth its ideas, especially cos we know abt the unrest in Burma).

Acting of all charcters is OK. Julie Benz doesnt even look like a heroine. Sylvester Stallone is as usual looking great. Action is breathtaking and so is the gore.

This one is not for the faint at heart. Watch it only if you can stand all the gore.

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